Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Family Affair

In mid-March, I was graced by the presence of my wonderful in-laws, Mark and Nancy, and by super-fun cousins, Laura and Brad. We did the standard Budapest and Zagreb tourist fare, and here are some photographic highlights of the trip. The photo above is of Nancy, Mike and me at a wine tasting at Doblo, where we sampled some (too much) of Hungary's fabulous vintages. For more on this, see my other blog.

Nancy admiring the fascinating meat selection and adorned piggies at the Central Market in Budapest. The creepiest thing we saw was a huge, flattened cow tongue - they are the size of a toilet-seat. Yuck.

In addition to riding funiculars (which I also wrote about in my other blog), I got to experience a new tourist attraction - Statue Park. In most formerly Communist countries, when the regime changed, citizens and the new government destroyed the Social Realism statues that decorated their cities. However, Budapest was not as hot-headed as its red counterparts, and they decided to save many of the statues, which were later installed at Statue Park, which is about a 20 minute drive outside the city center. The park wasn't as big as I had anticipated, but there were still some impressively large sculptures or the ideal Communist worker, such as the one below that is overtaking Brad, and many triumphant depictions of Lenin and Stalin. Above, you can see how well Laura would have blended in with the Commie youth movement.

This picture of me and my cousins was taken in Zagreb. Notice the glorious sunshine. After this picture was taken, we basked in the sun for at least 20 minutes.

Nancy and Mark in the "green horseshoe" of Zagreb, where there are multiple picturesque parks in a row.

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